flow goes




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1·This flow goes around and around, and money flows in the opposite direction to pay for it.
2·True flow goes back a ways, if this this quote from Chuang Tzu, who lived 389-286 BCE, is any indication.
如果庄子的引述可以看出来一些指示的的话,真正的心流可以追溯到公元前389 - 286年。
3·And so we got two bits of information, one that came from physics that said the flow goes from high concentration to smaller concentration.
4·The key difference we found from terrestrial rivers was that as the flow goes round the bend, the water spirals in the opposite way to rivers on land.
5·Above we can see the flow goes through several steps before completing and there is a decision state that determines if shipping is required for the sale.
6·Web flow 1 is a mature framework with a lot of features, but Web flow 2 goes significantly further by making the common tasks easier to accomplish using a simpler flow definition language overall.
Web Flow 1是一个拥有许多特性的成熟框架,但是Web Flow 2走得更远,它使用全面简化的流程定义语言使一些常见任务更加容易实现。
7·If the machine gets to node 2, the interaction at this node repeats itself until it fully meets a preset condition and then goes to the final node, node 5, to implement another interaction flow.
8·In Figure 2, the basic flow, or happy path, goes straight through the diagram.
9·Then, it goes through a loop cycle until it satisfies a certain condition and ultimately goes to node 5 -- the final node in the flow.
然后,它一遍遍执行一个循环,直到满足某个条件才最终进行到流中的最后一个节点 ― 节点 5。
10·This flow may be strong enough to separate the flame from its fuel source, which may be why the flame goes out.
更新时间:2025-02-23 05:54